Top AI skills employers look for in the technology sector

Top AI skills employers look for in the technology sector

Job postings on LinkedIn that mention either AI or generative AI more than doubled globally between July 2021 and July 2023, according to new data from the jobs and networking platform. The demand for AI skills increasingly appears across a wide range of industries and geographies. (CNBC Make...

Gen Z на работа: Развенчаване на митовете около Поколението Z

Gen Z на работа: Развенчаване на митовете около Поколението Z

В последните години работната среда е подложена на непрестанни промени. От възхода на дистанционната работа с настъпването на Covid-19, връщането към офиса в последните 12 месеца, променените изисквания на служители и мениджъри, икономическа несигурност както и още много по-малки събития. В...

2024 Outlook: Key HR & Talent Trends 

2024 Outlook: Key HR & Talent Trends 

Last year marked the HR landscape with rapid technological advancements, changing workforce dynamics, and evolving organizational needs.  All these shifts set the stage for 2024, a year expected to bring its own set of challenges and opportunities in human resources and talent management. From...

A Year in Review: Bica’s insights of 2023

A Year in Review: Bica’s insights of 2023

The HR landscape in 2023 has been marked by significant global shifts. According to Plaky statistics, 53% of employees now prioritize their health and well-being over work, reflecting a change in workforce dynamics in Europe, the USA, and beyond. In this environment, Bica has navigated the year...

Best Practices for Hiring Talent at the End of the Year

Best Practices for Hiring Talent at the End of the Year

As we approach the final month of the year, the challenge of hiring top talent takes on unique dimensions. For businesses and HR professionals, this period is not just about filling positions but about strategic planning and effective communication. Georgi Bebov, Manager of People & HR...

The AI Revolution in HR: Insights from Bulgaria’s Job Market

The AI Revolution in HR: Insights from Bulgaria’s Job Market

Artificial intelligence is reshaping industries worldwide and Bulgaria’s job market is not left untouched. The integration of AI in Human Resources is particularly intriguing, marking a significant shift in how companies approach talent acquisition and management. This shift is part of a...

Bica’s Glimpse into the Emerging Trends of Bulgaria’s Tech Ecosystem

Bica’s Glimpse into the Emerging Trends of Bulgaria’s Tech Ecosystem

Bulgaria, with its close ties to the Western world, has always been a hub of technological innovation and growth. As the country’s tech landscape continues to evolve, it reflects not only local shifts but also broader global trends. In this ever-changing environment, both companies and...

Understanding the Dynamics of Tech Layoffs in 2023

Understanding the Dynamics of Tech Layoffs in 2023

Economic fluctuations, market shifts, and unforeseen challenges are global business challenges that have placed companies in a position where tough decisions, including potential layoffs, are on the horizon. While the immediate reaction might be to make swift cuts, it’s crucial for...

Споделените работни пространства като инструмент за растеж

Споделените работни пространства като инструмент за растеж

Важно е офис пространството да се разпознава не само като необходимост, но и като стратегически инструмент за растеж. Днес то включва в себе си времето за пътуване, местоположението и добавените услуги за служителите – банки, места за хранене и тн. С навлизането на тенденцията за все...

How Bica Supported Anthill in Developing Successful Collaborative Recruitment Strategies

How Bica Supported Anthill in Developing Successful Collaborative Recruitment Strategies

Forming a successful partnership between two companies is often tricky as it requires a well-coordinated and multifaceted approach. Now, imagine the task the Bica team had to overcome in its collaboration with two other companies – Anthill, a company on a mission to assist Western...


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