
Psychologist in the Workplace | Employee Satisfaction and Productivity

In the modern workplace, creating a safe work environment where employees feel understood and empowered is crucial. As a result, the role of a psychologist in the workplace has become increasingly important. At the recent Talent Talks with Bica event in Campus X, “Psychologist in the Workplace | Employee Satisfaction and Productivity”, speakers gave valuable insights on how to create a safer and more empowering work environment. Mladen Vladimirov and Viktoriya Dyakova, shared about the critical role that psychologists play in creating a safe and healthy atmosphere in the office and their expertise in preventing work-related stress, effective crisis management, and managing burnout and anxiety.

Mladen Vladimirov is an organizational psychologist and HR Business Partner at Bica. He has 15 years of experience in the field of individual and corporate counseling. Viktoriya Dyakova is an expert in clinical and cognitive psychology. She has a personal practice with focus on burnout, anxiety and conflict management.

Bica’s team experienced first-hand the benefits of understanding and applying psychology in the work environment. A part of this collaboration is developing group workshops to improve effective team communication and public speaking, among other initiatives. They noticed an improvement in dynamics, a rise in job satisfaction, and learned how to develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Burnout and anxiety

Burnout and anxiety are common in many workplaces and these conditions can have a significant impact on employee’s productivity, performance, and overall well-being. What a psychologist in the office does is help by providing support, counseling, and resources which help employees manage these conditions effectively. They work with employees to develop coping strategies that help them stay focused and productive while also addressing the underlying causes of their stress and anxiety.

A few tips Viktoriya Dyakova shared during the presentation:

  • Connect with nature, as it’s the best way to connect with yourself
  • Explore new hobbies and skills – they will keep your motivation high
  • Plan your day, so you can use the time accordingly

Time management

While time management involves prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and using strategies to maximize productivity, people tend to forget to distinguish between important and urgent.
“Poor time management can lead to stress, missed deadlines, and a lack of focus, which can negatively impact an employee’s job performance and overall well-being,” says Mladen Vladimirov. He advises professionals to master the art of saying “no” and delegating tasks that may be done by someone else.

Another issue experts noticed when it comes to using time effectively is getting distracted. In the busy world we live in it is easy to lose track of time and get lost in the process of doing a few things simultaneously. They suggest employees keep their phones on the side, close tabs that may send unnecessary notifications and take regular breaks.

Emotional eating

Workplace stress can lead to emotional eating as employees turn to food as a way to cope with their emotions. It’s a response to emotional states such as stress, anxiety, or depression, rather than hunger. A psychologist helps identify the issue and works with employees to manage their stress levels and develop healthier coping mechanisms. 

In conclusion, by working with employees to address the different stress factors, a psychologist in the workplace can help improve morale, increase employee satisfaction, and reduce the risk of mental health problems. Prioritizing the mental health and well-being of employees results in a positive impact on the bottom line for companies, as happy, healthy employees tend to be more engaged, productive, and loyal.

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