Споделените работни пространства като инструмент за растеж

Споделените работни пространства като инструмент за растеж

Важно е офис пространството да се разпознава не само като необходимост, но и като стратегически инструмент за растеж. Днес то включва в себе си времето за пътуване, местоположението и добавените услуги за служителите – банки, места за хранене и тн. С навлизането на тенденцията за все...

How Bica Supported Anthill in Developing Successful Collaborative Recruitment Strategies

How Bica Supported Anthill in Developing Successful Collaborative Recruitment Strategies

Forming a successful partnership between two companies is often tricky as it requires a well-coordinated and multifaceted approach. Now, imagine the task the Bica team had to overcome in its collaboration with two other companies – Anthill, a company on a mission to assist Western...

From Attraction to Retention: The Role of Employer Brand Consistency in IT

From Attraction to Retention: The Role of Employer Brand Consistency in IT

78% of respondents in Universum’s survey, the World’s Most Attractive Employers (WMAE), state that Employer Branding is now a top priority. This is an 11-point increase over the past two years. Employer branding is considered a critical area of investment not only within large corporations but...

From Recruitment to Retention: The Power of Efficient HR Processes in IT

From Recruitment to Retention: The Power of Efficient HR Processes in IT

As IT companies race to stay ahead of the curve, the importance of having the right talent in place cannot be overstated. This is where Human Resources comes into play, acting as the linchpin that holds the intricate machinery of IT companies together. However, the HR challenges faced by IT...

Building Bang & Olufsen’s Core Tech Team in Bulgaria: A Collaboration with Bica

Building Bang & Olufsen’s Core Tech Team in Bulgaria: A Collaboration with Bica

Founded almost a century ago, Bang & Olufsen is a high-end consumer electronics company based in Denmark. The enterprise has specialized in delivering top-notch audio solutions for its customers. Speakers, headphones, TVs, and soundbars are among Bang & Olufsen’s offerings. With the...

Cracking the Code: Preparing for Technical Interviews in the IT Sector

Cracking the Code: Preparing for Technical Interviews in the IT Sector

In the relentless pursuit of talented professionals, companies within the dynamic IT sector have elevated technical interviews to a pivotal role in their hiring process. These interviews serve as a platform for candidates to showcase their problem-solving abilities, technical knowledge, and...

Empowering Growth: Bica’s Partnership with SessionStack

Empowering Growth: Bica’s Partnership with SessionStack

Established with the goal of innovating product development, SessionStack is a Bulgarian startup founded by Alexander Zlatkov. He wanted to tackle the problems he previously faced in his role as a software engineer. With session replay, problem notifications, troubleshooting insights,...

Процесите на адаптация в света на изкуствения интелект

Процесите на адаптация в света на изкуствения интелект

Контролираме промените или промените ни контролират? В днешната постоянно развиващата се бизнес среда се откроява една сила: възходът на изкуствения интелект (ИИ). Неговото въздействие върху различни отрасли, особено в сферата на управлението, маркетинга, технологиите и образованието,...

Empowering Tech Professionals: A Guide to Salary Negotiation

Empowering Tech Professionals: A Guide to Salary Negotiation

In the realm of job searching, one topic often causes more anxiety than any other – salary negotiation. It’s a delicate dance, balancing the excitement of a new job offer with the uncertainty of whether you’re getting your fair share. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that...

A Day in the Life of a Frontend Developer: Vesela Bozheva’s Pursuit of Continuous Learning in the Tech World

A Day in the Life of a Frontend Developer: Vesela Bozheva’s Pursuit of Continuous Learning in the Tech World

Curious about what the IT world is like in Bulgaria? You’re not alone. Here at Bica, we’ve decided to turn the spotlight on some of the talented folks we’ve helped secure their perfect roles and let them share their stories. Welcome to our relaxed, candid chat series that aims...


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