Top 5 Skills IT Companies in Bulgaria are Looking for in 2023

Top 5 Skills IT Companies in Bulgaria are Looking for in 2023

In the rapidly evolving landscape of information technology, the most sought-after IT skills are continuously changing. New technologies and methodologies emerge, and IT professionals must stay abreast of these trends to remain competitive, particularly in the thriving Bulgarian IT market. This...

A Day in the Life of a Senior Frontend Developer: Kaloyan Tomov on Harmonizing Tech Skills and Business Acumen

A Day in the Life of a Senior Frontend Developer: Kaloyan Tomov on Harmonizing Tech Skills and Business Acumen

What is it like to work in the IT industry in Bulgaria? This is a question many people interested in a career in the sector ask themselves. So, we, at Bica, gathered some of the people that we helped find the right job to share their stories. With this series of interviews, we are aiming to...

After Hours Recap: Retention and Engagement, the Antidote to The Quiet Quitting Storm

After Hours Recap: Retention and Engagement, the Antidote to The Quiet Quitting Storm

In our recent After Hours event co-organized with The Recursive, we brought together a panel of experts to explore the critical topic of “Retention and Engagement: The Antidote to The Quiet Quitting Storm.” The esteemed panel included Radka Chamova, Chief People & Culture...

Bouncing Back: A Resilience and Adaptability Guide for Recently Laid-Off Recruiters

Bouncing Back: A Resilience and Adaptability Guide for Recently Laid-Off Recruiters

The past year has been a roller coaster for many industries, and the HR field is no exception. With companies tightening their belts in the face of economic uncertainty, a series of layoffs across various industries have left many talented professionals, including recruiters, searching for new...

A Day in the Life of a QA Specialist: Vili Bakalska on the importance of working in a friendly environment

A Day in the Life of a QA Specialist: Vili Bakalska on the importance of working in a friendly environment

What is it like to work in the IT industry in Bulgaria? This is a question many people interested in a career in the sector ask themselves. So, we, at Bica, gathered some of the people that we helped find the right job to share their stories. With this series of interviews, we are aiming to...

За по-добро ментално здраве на служителите: Bica предоставя нова услуга на партньорите си

За по-добро ментално здраве на служителите: Bica предоставя нова услуга на партньорите си

Стресът, тревожността и “прегарянето” са само част от предизвикателствата, пред които е изправен модерният човек. Тези фактори, в комбинация със забързаното ежедневие, са предпоставки за влошено психологическо здраве на работещите хора. А процесите бяха допълнително катализирани от...

Psychologist in the Workplace | Employee Satisfaction and Productivity

Psychologist in the Workplace | Employee Satisfaction and Productivity

In the modern workplace, creating a safe work environment where employees feel understood and empowered is crucial. As a result, the role of a psychologist in the workplace has become increasingly important. At the recent Talent Talks with Bica event in Campus X, “Psychologist in the Workplace...

Navigating HR’s Evolution in 2023: Key Trends and Best Practices

Navigating HR’s Evolution in 2023: Key Trends and Best Practices

Amidst the uncertain economic situation, many organizations are looking to cut their costs, which inevitably affects employees and what companies can provide for them. Recently, Bica organized a special event at Campus X to discuss the most significant HR trends that are happening in the IT...

A day in the life of a Junior Manual QA Engineer: Lora Antonova on starting a career in IT

A day in the life of a Junior Manual QA Engineer: Lora Antonova on starting a career in IT

What is it like to work in the IT industry in Bulgaria? This is a question many people interested in a career in the sector ask themselves. So, we, at Bica, gathered some of the people that we helped find the right job to share their stories. With this series of interviews, we are aiming to...

A day in the life of a Human Interface Designer: Georgi Chorbov on why company culture is important when choosing your employer

A day in the life of a Human Interface Designer: Georgi Chorbov on why company culture is important when choosing your employer

What is it like to work in the IT industry in Bulgaria? This is a question many people interested in a career in the sector ask themselves. So, we, at Bica, gathered some of the people that we helped find the right job to share their stories. With this series of interviews, we are...


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